FIPFG Foam Sealing

Sealing for efective insulation

Our FIPFG foamed joint service involves a sealing process applied to the joints of parts using liquid polyurethane foam, which expands and cures to create an airtight seal. At Ripleg, you will have access to the best specialists in foamed joints.


Implementing FIPFG (Formed In Place Foam Gasket) foam sealing will be almost all advantages, as it will allow you to maximize the performance of your products and extend their useful life.

The foams used are of low density, which reduces weight and increases competitiveness for this type of application.

As it is very flexible, it can be individually adapted to virtually any type of geometry.

The materials used have a high percentage of mineral filler, making them affordable and very versatile.

Joint foaming is characterized by rapid drying, as the gasket reacts in just a few minutes, allowing for swift, agile, and efficient assembly and mounting.

Foam gaskets provide strong adhesion and durability, protecting the inside of components from external agents such as dirt and moisture.

The foamed component ensures a robust bond that maintains its shape over time, even in complex dimensions.

The joint foaming processes can be easily automated with other industrial manufacturing processes, resulting in significant savings in time, costs, and labor.


The applications of foamed gasket dosing are widespread in the industry. It is very common to see it applied in sectors that could be affected by external agents, such as:

How we work

At Ripleg we will accompany you throughout the entire process; from industrialization to the shipment of the manufactured order. And whenever you need it, you can count on our customer service to answer any questions or doubts you may have.

1) Reception of your design

Our industrialization QROC will take care of industrializing the product to be manufactured in the most efficient way with our machines.

2) Programming the machines

After analyzing the design, we set up the machines with the most advanced software on the market, which allows us to save time and reduce costs.

3) Manufacturing your product

Our Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM) methodology and the digitalization of the plant allow us to make manufacturing efficient, agile, and fast

4) We send your order

Once your product is manufactured, our logistics service will prepare and send the product to the customer quickly and safely.


In order to implement this industrial process, we have state-of-the-art machinery to guarantee a perfect seal and finish.



RAMPF’s CNC Dispensing Robot enables efficient dispensing of foamed gaskets to achieve excellent results.


Developments for your specific requirements

For components with a flat application surface, the FERMAPOR 2 component polyurethane foam must have a stable thixotropic viscosity. For grooved contours, the sealing foam is applied in liquid form.

The degree of adjustable hardness in the polyurethane foams allows the degree of sealing to be adjusted in the assembly process of the foamed parts. Furthermore, thanks to the effective and very accurate FIPFG (Formed In Place Foam Gasket) technology, sealing with polyurethane foam uses much less material than with the die-cut gaskets used in the past.

In the case of repairs, the non-destructive removal and reinstallation of the sealed components is perfectly possible with our polyurethane foams. This advantage is due to the excellent resilience of the foamed gasket which maintains its leak-tightness.

Different reaction phases of the sealing foam Source: Sonderhoff.

We develop materials systems in accordance with your individual requirements. Included among the influencing factors are the pot life until the beginning of the foaming time, the curing time and the viscosity, hardness and adhesion properties.

Optimal protection thanks to the leak-tight sealing and the excellent long-term behaviour of the FERMAPOR polyurethane foams

The excellent long-term behaviour of FERMAPOR polyurethane foams and the gasket-free sealing of its components by means of our precise FIPFG dosing technology prevents the penetration of moisture, dust or any other external agent.

The video shows the FERMAPOR polyurethane foam gasket in cross-section – first in its uncompressed state, then compressed by 50% so that it provides the gasket sealing function.

The video shows the FERMAPOR polyurethane foam gasket in cross-section in a groove – first uncompressed and then compressed by 50% so that the gasket fulfils its sealing function and the component is leak tight.

Source: Sonderhoff.

The desired seal is achieved by pressing the foam gasket, whether on a flat surface or in the groove.

Source: Sonderhoff.

Frequently Asked Questions

We are a company located near Barcelona, however, our service extends throughout Europe.

FIPFG stands for Formed In Place Foam Gasket, which means formed in place foamed gasket. It is a process in which polyurethane (thixotropic or liquid) is injected directly onto the surface to be foamed.

At Ripleg we work with two types of products to create a foamed joint, depending on the type of material and location where it is to be applied, one or the other will be used.

  • Thixotropic Polyurethane: applicable on three-dimensional surfaces with and without channels, and can also be applied on vertical surfaces.
  • Liquid Polyurethane: liquid or slightly thixotropic foam joints are self-leveling and are applied on flat surfaces with marked channels.

On any type of surface, however, it is possible that some materials (plastic, painted parts, etc.) may require pre-treatment with primer or plasma for effective adhesion. In these cases, we have a customer service department that will answer any questions you may have.

Every project is different, that’s why at Ripleg we cannot offer a preset price. Therefore, we try to adapt our service to the needs of each client under budget.

Request a quote

Request your quote and we will get back to you within 24 hours.


Desarrollos para sus requerimientos específicos

Para los componentes con una superficie de aplicación plana, la espuma de poliuretano de 2 componentes FERMAPOR debe tener una viscosidad tixotrópica estable. Para contornos con ranura, la espuma de sellado se aplica en forma líquida.

El grado de dureza ajustable en las espumas de poliuretano, permite ajustar el grado de estanqueidad en el proceso de montaje de las piezas espumadas. Además, gracias a la eficaz y muy precisa tecnología FIPFG (Formed In Place Foam Gasket), al sellar con espuma de poliuretano se utiliza mucho menos material que con las juntas troqueladas utilizadas en el pasado.

En caso de reparaciones, la retirada y reinstalación no destructiva de los componentes sellados es perfectamente posible con nuestras espumas de poliuretano. Esta ventaja se debe a la excelente resiliencia de la junta de espumada, manteniendo su estanqueidad.

Diferentes fases de la reacción de la espuma de sellado. Fuente: Sonderhoff.

Desarrollamos sistemas de materiales según sus requisitos individuales. Entre los factores que influyen se incluye la vida útil hasta el inicio de la formación de espuma, el tiempo de curado y las propiedades de viscosidad, dureza y adherencia.